Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Visiting BiBi and Papa's House!

Last week we went to stay at Bibi and Papa's house for a couple of days! We all had a blast!

Laurel LOVED toddling around and exploring Bibi and Papa's house.

There are a couple of steps going down into the dining room and Laurel learned to navigate them! She was pretty good at crawling up the stairs, but we were working on a way for her to get down them! After some failed attempts at trying to get her to go backwards down the stairs :), Laurel decided that she would just crawl down the couple steps. It seemed to work for those couple of stairs, but we're still working on another way for big staircases! I didn't get a picture of Laurel going down the stairs since we kept a close eye on her as she went down.

Laurel's been into opening and closing doors a lot recently and she spent a lot of time in the kitchen opening and closing the back door.

Laurel loved playing with Bibi and all the new fun toys she had!

Laurel even got to spend time in her own little pool!

We put the pool under a tree and she was occupied for at least a good 20 minutes!

Laurel even got some practice walking outside with shoes on! We still need to work on that, but she's getting a lot better at it!

After all of the hard playing Laurel did, she was EXHAUSTED when it was time to go to bed.

Laurel had A LOT of fun playing with Papa, but for some reasons I never got any pictures of them together (probably because I was too busy laughing at all the giggling Laurel was doing!)! However, here's a cute one of Laurel and Papa from a family dinner last week.

Thanks for having us, Bibi and Papa! We had such a good time!

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