Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Mini-Update

Sorry there has been a lack of posting recently, but I broke my camera while we were at the beach so I haven't been able to take any pictures for the past week and a half. Hopefully we'll be getting our new camera in this week. The slideshow from the beach is still coming! I had uploaded all my pictures and forgot to save it! So now I'll need to do it again!

Laurel is getting two new teeth in right now (the missing top front one and her first tooth on the bottom), but she's being a trooper about it! Soon she'll have her top four teeth and one tooth on the bottom! So cute! We're loving her sweet little toothy smiles!

Laurel is 14 months old and is so fun these days! Let's see...a couple fun things..
-She loves pulling clothes out of drawers, books off bookshelves, you name. She is into EVERYTHING! Recently, she's discovered she can open up DVD and CD cases, so she loves getting into our CDs so she can open them up and take the discs out!
-Laurel is also starting to feed herself more and initiate feeding herself more! If we're trying to feed her with a spoon, she'll take the spoon from us and feed herself. She hasn't quite gotten the idea of putting the spoon in the bowl, scooping food out, and putting it to her mouth yet. Miss Laurel is becoming more and more independent every day.

So that's a little update for now! Enjoy a few fun pictures of Laurel from our beach trip.

You can kind of see her toothy smile here :)

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