Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Too Cool
Laurel has the cutest sunglasses and looks so ADORABLE in them, but I can't get her to wear them for long! We were getting ready to go to the pool last night and wanted to try to see if I could get Laurel to wear her sunglasses for longer than normal. Last night, Laurel was just a little ham! Laurel knows that she gets such a reaction when she wears them that she is more than willing to try to put them on or let you put them on her. But, as soon as they are on, she smiles for just a second and then takes them right back off!
Wife to my love and my best friend Peter and mom to 3 sweet little girls! I have the privilege of staying at home with my girls and basking in God's grace daily as I'm learning and growing. Growing as a wife. Growing as a mother. Growing as a homemaker. But, most importantly, growing as a follower of Christ.
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