Laurel "turned" 15 months last week, but since I took Laurel for her 15-month check-up yesterday, I'll do her 15-month update now!

Laurel did great at her check-up. She was more upset about getting weighed and laying down to be measured than she was about her shots! She started waving bye-bye furiously when the nurse came in and started getting stuff ready. She knew something was up!
Here are Laurel's 15-month stats:
Height: 30 inches (about 50th percentile)
Weight: 22 lbs. 13 oz. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 45 1/2 cm (50th percentile)
Here are things Laurel is up to at 15 months (It's long but I'm writing it down so we are able to remember it):
-She is always on the move! She walks and runs!
-She goes up stairs and does really well at going down the stairs, although we generally have to remind her to "turn around" or "be careful."
-She does well getting down from the sofa and bed
-She loves to play at the park! She's not really into the swings anymore, but she loves the slide.
-Laurel's big into putting things in places. We'll often find everyday items in random places, but she often really attempts to put things in the right place or back where she found them.
-She likes transferring items from one thing to another and putting toys in a bucket or basket.
-She loves flipping through her books and having us read them to her.
-She loves chasing Peter and have him chase her.
-Laurel sleeps from about 7:45 or 8:00 pm to about 7:00 or 7:30 am
-She still takes two naps for now. We'll see how long she keeps it up. Right now, the first nap is about an hour and a half or less. The second nap is about an hour and a half to two hours.
-She sleeps with a burp cloth, a stuffed horse, and a stuffed baby doll
-Laurel is off her nighttime bottle! She drinks a sippy cup of milk with breakfast, a little bit with dinner, and then some before she goes to bed.
-Laurel is still a pretty good eater! She loves sweet potatoes, carrots, corn, yogurt, cheese, mixed vegetables, eggs, pancakes or any kind of bread really. She loves Chick-Fil-A chicken!
-Laurel can feed herself with a spoon, but we're working on her scooping up the food herself with the spoon and putting it in her mouth. She definitely gets the concept though.
-Laurel really only says 2 words-- "dada" and "hi"/"hey. She uses them appropriately, but not all that often.
-Laurel is babbling SO MUCH more now and a lot of times just makes noise with A LOT of inflection in her voice!
-Even though Laurel's not talking, she understands SO MUCH of what we're saying.
-She definitely lets us know what she wants by reaching/pointing; she'll grab me by the hand and take me to whatever she wants, she'll go to her seat when she's hungry, etc.
-She knows her head and tummy and we're working on foot, hair and nose.
-Lately, she's been obsessed with lights and ceiling fans and pointing to them when she enters the room.
-Laurel has 5 teeth! She has 4 on the top and one on the bottom. I think another one is coming any day now though.
-She LOVES dogs and gets so excited by our neighbors' dogs. One of the neighbors' dogs is scared of us, but stays so still and quiet so Laurel can pet her
-She waves hi and bye to everyone and she'll generally keep waving until you wave back!
-She loves playing at the park and thinks that everyone who comes is there to play with her. :) She loves to see what they're doing.
-She gets really clingy when we're putting our shoes on, getting the diaper bag ready, or getting my purse. She'll rarely let you put her down
And a couple more pictures of our sweet girl

She is so cute :)
All the things she does/says remind me so much of Keaton at that same age :)
Happy 15 months!! :-D
I love reading your monthly updates of what Laurel is doing. She is growing so fast and is so cute! Thanks for all our blog updates!
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