Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Triples Success!

Today was the start of Harris Teeter's Triple coupon week and I was pleased! There were a lot of good deals that I had gotten from the lists on Savvy Dollar and Taking Stock. I went today and was so thrilled that everything on my list was in stock! I've never had that happen! I was able to get in and out of there pretty quickly, which was so nice because I was running out of crackers to keep Laurel occupied in the cart!

The best part of the trip was the receipt: Coupons tendered: $40.27!!
I only paid $18.07!!
(Well would have been a little less if I had read closely that HT's deal on Pillsbury flour was only for self-rising and all-purpose, not whole wheat).

I love coming away with free stuff because of Triples! So much fun!

My purchases (minus a roll of paper towels I had left in the other room)

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