Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Mommy-Laurel Outing

One day this week our power was scheduled to be out for the morning, so we ended up making it a special morning out for us! We haven't been to Triangle Town Center since the summer and I don't think Laurel has ever just "played" there, so we went there for a morning of some "free" fun. I wish I had gotten a picture of Laurel in her stroller. She hardly ever rides in her stroller anymore since she has never really been a big fan of being in the stroller and she would rather just walk. Since she hadn't been in the stroller for so long, she actually enjoyed being in there for a little while.

After strolling around for a few minutes, we went to the Barnes and Noble kids area to play for a little while! We spent the majority of our time there.

So many books to look at and pull out! Thankfully, Laurel did pretty well and only pulled out a couple at a time.

She took turns sitting in all of the little chairs

Of all of the books to choose to look at, Laurel only really wanted to look at two Baby Einstein of which we have at home! I tried showing her neat Elmo books and pop-up dog books, but she was so set on these two Baby Einstein books! So silly!

Next, we went to Pottery Barn kids to look around and briefly play. She enjoyed sitting in all of the little chairs and pushing the stroller the most.

After PBK, we strolled around a little more and played at the Play Area for a little while. It was her first time playing there and she loved it! She really just loves being where all of the kids are! I don't have any pictures from the play area because she was just so busy!

We finished up our morning by sharing Chick-Fil-A and a cookie from a cookie place! It was so much fun just to change up our normal routine and have an good excuse for a special, little Mommy-Laurel morning out!

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