Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You Tube and Elmo

Laurel just recently discovered that she can get up in the kitchen chairs and computer chairs all by herself! Now that she knows this, she just thinks that she is such a big girl. :) Well now that Laurel can easily get into our computer chair, she is much more interested in the computer. She's not really into watching videos all that often, but she has found that she likes watching videos on the computer. So, sometimes, I'll put on some Hillsong videos or Elmo videos for her to watch (and dance to :) ). She'll usually watch one or two before she's ready to move on or I'm ready for her to move on because she's starting to get a little distracted by the "don't touches" on the desk. :)

Laurel looks SO old to us here! :)

Here's one of Laurel's (ok-mine too :)) favorite Sesame Street video. Whenever she sees Elmo come on, she either goes and gets her Elmo or wants me to to get it. Anticipating this, I'll usually get out Elmo if we're going to watch it.

Here's a clip of Laurel watching it :)

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