Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Friday, April 16, 2010


We went to visit Riley last week and we thought that Laurel might be ready to hold Riley! It's been so neat to see their interactions together since Riley's been born because it will be about the same age difference as Riley's little brother or sister due to arrive in November!
Riley: "Um, are you sure she's allowed to do this?"

My favorite of Laurel and Riley from the visit. So sweet together!

Laurel would get a little overly excited about Riley and pat her head at times. Riley wasn't too sure what to make of it!

Laurel just loves babies and is so excited every time she gets to see Baby Riley (or "Iyee" as Laurel says). When we saw Riley another day last week, Laurel kept giving her hugs over and over again and Riley loved it! Can't wait to see what sweet relationship these girls will have as they get older. :)

1 comment:

Laura Robinson said...

Thanks so much for the book recommendation! I totally have heard of "Don't make me count to three" but it didn't cross my mind. I will def. check it out.

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