Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The "Sises"

Laurel loves to go see the horses or "sises" as she likes to call them. When we have family time, we love to take a golf cart down to the horse barn to petsome horses or ride around some to see some.

This was her time seeing and petting the horses at the ranch!

As much as she likes to go see the horses, riding in the golf cart is just as fun to her. She will play in there and get in and just sit and wait for you to take her some place new!

This was last night when we went to go see the horses. This girl has no fear of them. She will just go right on up to them and wants to pet them on the mouth. We find ourselves saying a lot, "Gentle, Laurel. Be gentle."

I had published this post earlier this afternoon. This evening, we were playing in another cottage's backyard and I took Laurel over to pet one of the horses that was by the fence. She was petting them and somehow I turned around for a second and the next thing I know she is on the other side of the fence in the horse pasture!! Thankfully, the horse we were petting had moved on a little bit and no other horses were around. Petting them is just not enough for her, she has to be in the middle of it all!

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