Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Laurel's Birthday- Part 2

After lunch, we gave Laurel a couple gifts to open so she could have some more fun before her nap.

Bibi and Papa sent Laurel a doctor kit!

First things first, let's put on the stethoscope and then continue to go through the rest of the kit.

It was so cute watching Laurel examine each item in the kit!

The bag might have been one of the kit's best features. Laurel loves to put the items in the bag and carry them around.

Trying out the "boo boo" (aka bandaid).

We called Bibi and Papa to thank them for the doctor kit!

Laurel will say a couple words on command into the phone, but she loves for people to talk to her on the phone!

Cute little doctor girl!

Daddy showing Laurel how to use the stethoscope

Trying out the the blood pressure cuff with Daddy

After a full morning, this birthday girl took a much-needed nap before the fun continued!

1 comment:

Amy Williams said...

Happy Birthday Laurel! We got Luke the same Doctor kit and he loves it. Great to have a doctor in the house :)