Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

1 month!

Alexa and Lindsey were 1-month on Sunday! It's hard to believe 1 month has passed! It feels like just as big a milestone for us as it is for them!

Alexa at 1 month

7 pounds, 12 ounces

Lindsey at 1 month

7 pounds, 6 ounces

Little sisters at 1 month!

I'll do an individual post on each of them soon, but for now, here are the things the girls are doing at 1 month:

-We were told the girls would "wake-up" around their due date (November 7th) and they certainly did! In the past two weeks, they've been a lot more alert and having more awake time than they had in the previous weeks.

-They eat every 3 hours during the day and had been going between 3 and 4 hours at night. Last night, however, they went about 5! Praise the Lord! (We keep them on the same schedule, so when one of them wakes up to eat, we wake the other up as well).

-We're starting to get some smiles out of them. At 4 weeks, I know that they both definitely smiled.

-They tolerate tummy time pretty well.

-They're starting to enjoy looking at their mobile and the things over their play mat.

-At 2 weeks, their umbilical cord stumps fell off.

-They are now both on medicine for reflux. We are anxious to see how much better they will feel with it!

-They LOVE to be held!

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