Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Welcome to Toddlerhood: 13 months update

I wasn't planning on doing updates every month after Laurel turned a year, but I feel Laurel has changed so much this past month and I want to be able to remember all these new things she's doing and is in to. She has definitely entered the realm of toddlerhood. She is so busy! Since Laurel took her first couple of steps the night before her birthday, she has not stopped! She is walking all over the place and she even tries to run!

Here are some things that really capture what Laurel is up to right now:

-Laurel does not miss a thing! If a door is slightly open, there is a new item in the room, or something "forbidden" is left within her reach, she is there! Those were just a few examples, but Peter and I are always commenting how she really doesn't miss a thing.
-She's REALLY into opening and closing doors and REALLY into climbing up stairs. We don't have stairs in our house, but if we're somewhere that does, she could spend all day climbing them.
-Laurel has really gotten interested in her books. She'll sit there for a little bit and flip through her books for awhile or she'll bring books to you to read. I feel like that's been a huge change this month. I love watching her flip through books herself.
-Laurel still loves animals, especially dogs. She gets so excited when she sees them!
-She's all about waving now! She waves to herself in the mirror, waves to people, waves to dogs, waves to random people, and has waved to the fan and a couple other inanimate objects.
-She's "dancing" more when she hears music.
-Laurel's only word right now is "dada." Although that's her only word, she's really understanding a lot more of what we say. We'll ask her to go get a certain toy or her cup or to go find it and she will.
-She loves playing on the couch and on the bed. I guess she loves how soft they are.

And here are some pictures of our sweet little toddler!

Now that she's walking, I'm often catching a picture as she's running away!


Catherine said...

Aww..cute update. What a fun age. Ashley has that same outfit that Laurel is wearing in the last picture - pink with red cherries. Bring that one to the beach!

Elizabeth Ashford said...

Do you normally post "topless" photos of your daughter on the internet?!?! (i love the closeup of her face, it's my wallpaper now!)