Laurel is playing more and more with her baby. She knows that baby goes in her bed and she'll rock the little cradle. Baby is nameless until Laurel names her.

I'll ask Laurel, "Who's Mama's baby?" and she'll go get me her baby! Soon, she'll learn that Mama's baby is Laurel!

We've gotten together with my friend Jennifer and her two kids, Silas and Eliza. Eliza and Laurel are just six months a part, so we're looking forward to more and more playdates and the two of them actually playing together as they're getting older! Laurel was so fascinated with Eliza. Laurel loves babies!

With this cooler weather, Laurel and I have been able to go to a few parks. I feel like Laurel is doing more and more every time we go to the park.

Laurel LOVES to climb up the slide and actually does really well, but we're teaching her that we only go down the slide!

Yesterday, we had a family day and went to an Autumn Arts Festival in Wake Forest and stopped for lunch at Shortys! It was my first time having a Shortys hot dog! Laurel didn't get a hot dog, but we all shared french fries! After we ate, Laurel and Peter played around on the video games together!

Laurel even got into the game a little bit! She loves turning the steering wheel!

At the end of our family day, we visited a new park and Laurel went down a couple slides BY HERSELF! She loved that! Laurel even figured out that she could twist around and go down feet first and go head first. She was giggling away when she learned that she could turn! Ah! Our little girl is just getting so big!

So that's what we've been up to the past week! More fun posts to come!
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