Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

18-month Stats

Laurel had her 18-month check-up at the Pediatrician this morning. Laurel was not a fan of being measured, sitting on the scale, having the stethoscope on her back, or the Pediatrician looking in her mouth, so it probably wasn't the most fun morning for her! Although she did recover from pretty quickly from each of those things and was pretty cooperative overall. She kept wanting to hang things to our pediatrician and point out everything. Laurel got two shots today, but handled it really well. I think she was more upset about having to lie down for the shots than getting the shots!

So here are her stats:

Height: 32 inches (50-75th percentile)
Weight: 24 lbs, 4 oz. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46 cm (25-50th percentile)

Laurel has a little cold this week, but it doesn't seem to phase her. We praise God for her health and growth!

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