Laurel is getting to be such a good little helper! Now she is pretty good at making a mess and taking EVERYTHING out, but I love that she's starting to help us put things away (granted, we're a ways away form her cleaning up her toys and books, but it's definitely a start!) A lot of the time, she likes to hang out with me while I'm doing chores around the house, and I'm always amazed at how much she "gets" about what I'm doing!

Some of the things our little helper does:
-She likes to throw things away. She's generally pretty good about making sure it gets into the trashcan!
-It's amazing how much she gets about where things go! We put our plastic grocery bags under the sink and she'll take an empty bag and go to that cabinet.
-She knows what drawers some of our clothes go in, and will often take clothes over to those drawers. They don't always get in the drawers, but she does know where they go!
-She is more than happy to go get her shoes if we ask because she knows that it means that she will get to go outside or go somewhere! I'll try to be specific and say "brown shoes," "black shoes," or "pink shoes" and it'll take her a couple tries, but she's learning!
-She likes closing the dryer door-- a little too much sometimes. She'll close it every time I put something in there!
-She's gotten used to hearing "put it back" and "close it" and knows what it means. She usually obeys, but has had her share of "reminders."
A cute story from last night.
Last night, I could not find my phone anywhere! I looked in all of the places that I thought it could be and still didn't find it. Laurel was playing with the laundry in her room and I didn't see her with it, so I didn't think she had it without my knowledge. Peter wasn't home yet, so I was telling Laurel about how I could not find my phone anywhere and this was not good. I wasn't even sure where I last had it. I had just taken the trash out so I told Laurel that I might have to go out to the trash to look because I didn't know where else it could be. I looked a little bit more and then about a minute later Laurel comes to me with my PHONE! I couldn't believe! it I still have no idea where she got it from or if she took it to begin with, but I just thought it was so cute that she brought me my phone when I was looking for it! I praised her over and over again for that!
1 comment:
So glad she found your phone, but uh oh better watch out cause she will be making calls and texting on it before you know it :)
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