Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Fun in the Snow

We took Laurel out in the snow again on Sunday and it was a lot more fun for her! It was sunny, not quite as cold, and she wasn't sinking down as much into the snow because of the layer sleet on top of the snow. She was much more confident in the snow and had a fun time walking around and exploring.

Laurel was more than ready to go out in the snow! She was very patient as I was putting all of her layers on again and just waited at the door until I was ready to go outside too.

I can't get over how cute she is in her winter gear!

Laurel started cleaning off the car, just like Daddy was doing.

Although Laurel did really well walking around in the snow, she still preferred for us to hold one or both of her hands a lot of the time.

A little walk around the yard with Daddy

The lone picture from Snow Day #3 on Monday. I was inside working on dinner while Peter took Laurel outside to play. Peter hardly had to hold her at all. She just took off all on her own around the yard.

Currently it's Snow Day #4 and it's been raining today. We're getting a little stir crazy from being inside so much, but thankfully we were able to take Laurel to the Factory today to run around to get some energy out and we went out to get a little lunch. It did us (well me :) ) so much good to be able to get out!

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