Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Egg Hunting

Later that day, we had a little egg hunt at Grammy and Granddad's house for Caleb and Laurel. It was so adorable to watch! Caleb knew just what to do. Laurel picked up on it quickly and had an absolute ball! She needed a little help finding eggs, but she LOVED looking for eggs and putting them in her basket!

Eggs kept falling out of Laurel's basket (and she didn't always realize it), so she would pick them up like they were new eggs! The egg hunt never ended for her! Oh how I loved watching her!

Caleb got into helping Laurel find her same eggs over and over again :)

Once we realized how much fun Laurel was having with egg hunting, we started taking eggs out of her basket and "hiding" them again for her to find! Egg hunting kept Laurel entertained for about 30 or 40 minutes!

"Where is it?" I should have known how much Laurel would love to have an egg hunt. She LOVES looking for things!

Sweet Ashley just hung out with her Daddy while the bigger kids looked for eggs!

Our attempt at a cousins picture. Nice, huh? :) Laurel wanted to still be looking for Easter eggs, Caleb didn't want a picture taken, and Ashley was not a fan of the grass!

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