Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

More Pictures from the Visit to Grammy and Granddad's House!

Laurel with her Grammy and Granddad

Grammy and Granddad have a park across the street from their house. We were so glad the weather was so nice while we were there so we could take advantage of playing outside a lot! Laurel learned how to sit on a big girl swing! Although she doesn't know how to pump her legs yet, she loved the big swings! However when she was done, she didn't let you know; she just let go and hoped someone was there to catch up! Thankfully, Granddad was right behind her!

Granddad with Ashley and Laurel. Whenever Caleb or Ashley was being held, Laurel wanted to make sure she was right there with them!

On the way to park near Aunt Catherine's house, Laurel got to ride in the wagon with Caleb. That was her first time in a wagon and she loved it! When we played outside another day, all she wanted to do was ride around in the wagon!


Laurel read books with Granddad. Although if you know how Laurel likes to read books, you know that you should have a few ready and you shouldn't plan on reading more than the first few pages. :)

Laurel also played with the doctor kit at Grammy and Granddad's house. At Christmas, she loved playing with the shot-which also became one of her first words. This time, her favorite was the stethoscope!
Thanks for having us Grammy and Granddad! We had fun!

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