Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Bibi and Papa's Visit!

We were so thankful that Bibi and Papa could travel with us to Oklahoma and could stay for a couple weeks! It was a huge blessing to have them here as we were getting settled! A majority of the time was spent unpacking, cleaning, and preparing to have the boys, but we were still able to get some good quality family time in too. :)

We are so blessed to have a playground at the ranch. Laurel loves whenever we get a chance to go.

Laurel has mastered climbing up the ladder. Going down the slide is a huge motivation for her to get up the ladder quickly. :)

Her favorite slide is the tunnel slide. It was so cute to watch how she decided to go down it. She would go to it, sit down, and think about it. Then, she would change her mind and go on one of the other ones. She did this a few times and then one day she just decided to do it. She loved it! Since then, there's been no turning back. She'll go the tunnel slide almost every time now.

Running off to go down the slide again :)

Laurel LOVES giving and getting hugs! We love seeing her walking with her arms open wide waiting for her hug! Sometimes after she hugs someone, she'll keep her arms open and look for anybody else that wants to hug her! :)

Hanging out with Papa before bed

More hugs for Bibi

One day, we went to this really neat park nearby with walking trails, playgrounds, and a cute little duck pond! It's becoming one of our favorite places in Edmond.

With Bibi and Papa by the pond. Laurel is in this phase where she will squat down, put her hands on her knees, and give you a cheesy smile. She's not looking, but that's what she's doing here!

Going with Bibi to see one of the ducks!

Walking with Papa at the park

With Bibi and Papa before church.

"The babies on the bus go wah, wah, wah..." Every time we got in the car, Laurel wanted Bibi to sing wheels on the bus. Laurel just loves it and has fun doing the motions! Bibi was a good sport as she probably sang that song hundreds of times!

"The mommies on the bus go shh, shh, shh..."

A family picture before taking Bibi and Papa to the airport. We were so thankful that they could come! It didn't seem like we were far away from North Carolina when they were here which helped to make it such smooth transition for all of us.

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