Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

28 weeks!!

As of yesterday, we are at 28 weeks! The third trimester is finally here! Woohoo!

How far along? 28 weeks!

Total weight gain: 40 pounds so far

How big are the babies?: At our growth scan today, Baby Girl A was estimated to weigh 2 pounds, 12 ounces, and Baby Girl B was estimated to weigh 2 pounds, 10 ounces. We are thankful that our girls are growing so well!

Maternity clothes: Oh yes...and the selection is dwindling with this growing belly.

Stretch marks?: Now they are coming out! However, a lot of them are below my belly button, so I can't even see most of them!

Sleep?: I am up a lot at night either from changing the side that I'm sleeping on or to use the bathroom. I've definitely gotten used to it as the new normal for me.

Best moment this week? A great growth scan today and finding out that the girls are both still head down! We are praying they stay that way!

Movement?: I feel them off and on a lot during the day. Laurel was never really head down so these girls' movements are fairly different than what I felt when I was pregnant with her. It's been fun!

Food cravings?: Depends on the day...but right now, cheeseburgers and cinnamon rolls.

Labor signs: Thankfully none yet.

Belly button in or out? Not in, but not quite out yet either. Laurel told me today that "it's sticking out"

Names: We have them decided, but are keeping it a surprise! :)

What I’m looking forward to: Seeing the girls' movements more and more and a family baby shower this weekend!

We are praising God for another great appointment today! Today I took my glucose test (don't know the results yet) and had growth and fluid checks for the girls! The doctor today was really pleased with their growth. No pictures today because Baby Girl A wouldn't even show us her face and Baby Girl B's face was blocked some by her hands and other things. We were warned at our last appointment that it gets harder and harder to get good pictures of twins at this phase and we are just fine with that. We are so thankful for these growing girls! It's hard to believe they could be here in 8-10 weeks! Please join us in praying for continued great growth for the girls, a safe and healthy rest of the pregnancy and a safe delivery!

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