Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

32 Weeks and A Bump in the Road

How far along? 32 Weeks

Total weight gain: 50+ pounds

How big are the babies?: At our growth scan today, Baby Girl A was estimated to weigh 4 pounds, 5 ounces (45th percentile) and Baby Girl B was estimated to weigh 3 pounds, 10 ounces (10th percentile). More on their growth later.

Maternity clothes: Oh yes. I have my few going out shirts and then I have raided Peter's t-shirt drawer to help out.

Stretch marks?: Oh yes!

Sleep?: Not happening as much recently. I sleep 3-4 hours straight and then I'm up a lot the rest of the night or have trouble getting back to sleep. I guess this is the Lord's way of getting me prepared!

Best moment this week? Seeing the girls on the ultrasound, and even though we're having some issues, the girls are "happy."

Movement?: I feel them off and on a lot during the day. Laurel was never really head down so these girls' movements are fairly different than what I felt when I was pregnant with her. It's been fun! Also, generally around 4 am, Baby Girl A is awake and starts moving for the day.

Food cravings?: Depends on the day...but right now, icees.

Labor signs: Thankfully none yet.

Belly button in or out? Not in, but not quite out yet either.

Names: We have them decided, but are keeping it a surprise! :)

What I’m looking forward to: Getting the babies' room ready!

So the bump in the road...
I had my 32 week checkup yesterday. I had a lot to chew on at the appointment yesterday (which I wasn't expecting), so I think I'm explaining the process right. The girls looked good and Baby Girl A was estimated to weigh 4 pounds, 5 ounces (45th percentile) and Baby Girl B was estimated to weigh 3 pounds, 10 ounces (10th percentile). Because Baby Girl B was in the 10th percentile, they did a doppler check on the flow of the blood from the placenta through the umbilical cord. I don't even know what I'm looking for, but I heard (especially heard) and saw a difference on the screen in the way the blood was flowing so I was wondering if something was up. The OB explained (I was so happy it was my favorite OB that day) that the flow was impeded (like a water hose scrunched up) so Baby Girl B isn't getting as much from the placenta. She was explaining that the placenta was "compromised" so we're needing to keep an eye on making sure that the girls are getting what they need from the placenta. So I will go in two times a week for a biophysical profile on the girls and one of those times they will do a doppler check of the blood flow from the placenta. I was told it can wax and wane so it may look better the next time but it's something they have to watch. If they are not getting the oxygen and nutrients they need at all from the placenta, then they will deliver. Right now I've been put on bedrest, so that my blood can be focused on going to the placenta. My OB decided to give me a steroid shot for their lungs yesterday (and I go back today for another one. She was debating it, but decided to go ahead and do it since she said it's not as effective after 34 weeks. For the good news, my OB says they are doing well and they are "happy" in there. If their biophysical profiles at some point aren't good and they are showing distress, they would deliver. Their biophysical profiles were great yesterday. So right now it's just a lot of watching and waiting.

So what this means for delivery:
The OB was so upbeat about it saying that we're at 32 weeks, so that's great, we just have to watch it. I was starting to tear up when she was explaining the issues to me and she says, "I'm jealous. I was on bedrest at 23 weeks with my twins. You're at 32." The goal is 36 or possibily 37 weeks, but even at 34 weeks and after, twins tend to do really well. As far as a VBAC, it's still a possibility. The girls are both head down. Obviously if they need to take the girls earlier because it's better for them to be on the outside than on the inside at that point, then it will be a c-section. The Nurse Practitioner was telling me that if I went into labor, they would probably still let me try a VBAC, but the girls would be more likely to experience fetal distress due to the placenta situation, that a VBAC may need to turn to c-section which I am totally fine with because we just want these girls here safely! So right now, I'm just adjusting bedrest and what that means (which is so hard!) and am so thankful we have lots of family jumping in to unpack the boxes from moving and setting up the babies room!

So please join us in praying for wisdom for the doctors as they monitoring these girls and the placenta, that the girls are getting what they need from the placenta, healthy girls, and a safe delivery for the girls and their mama however and whenever the Lord has ordained for their arrival!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Praying for all of you!