Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

35 weeks!

Right now, we are at 35 weeks! We are getting close!! At my appointment today, they did a growth scan to check on the girls since it had been 3 weeks since the last one. Right now, Baby Girl A is estimated to weigh about 5 pounds, 7 ounces (32%) and Baby Girl B is estimated to weigh about 4 pounds, 5 ounces (less than 3%). So Baby Girl B is our little petite one! Other than that, they checked out great. Their biophysical profiles looked great, fluid levels looked good, and the doppler check on the blood flow looked good. The only "issue" is Baby Girl B's size. So, the doctors don't want me going all the way to 38 weeks.

So what this means for delivery...
The doctor wants to schedule a c-section somewhere between 36 and 37 weeks. They're pretty selective on inducing for a VBAC and between having twins that share a placenta and one baby being smaller, I'm not a very good candidate! If they decide to come on their own before then, they'll let me try to vbac as long as the girls are handling it well. If not, we'll proceed with the c-section. We are so thankful that the girls look great. Please join us in praying for a healthy arrival whenever and however the Lord ordains!

I don't have any pictures of the girls. It is so crowded in there and they are in crazy positions! But here is a belly pic of their mama at 35 weeks!

Yes, I am very "large and in charge" right now!

Some funny things I want to remember about being pregnant with twins and the large belly it entails...

-Yesterday, I totally missed a huge hole in my jeans until Peter pointed it out to me. I have no clue how long I had been walking around with a big gaping hole! I just can't see past my belly, so unless someone tells me, I have no clue if there are stains or holes!
-Peter teases that I am not as clumsy right now because I have a lot more to lose when I drop something. It is a chore to squat down and pick something up or to get down on the floor and then get back up!

-I definitely need help getting dressed in the morning. If Peter is not around, Laurel is definitely a good second choice.

My next appointment is on Friday, so I'll update after that!

1 comment:

Ed and Jamie said...

Congratulations on making it to 35 weeks that is AWESOME!! I found your blog through my friend Emily. We just had twin boys 2 weeks ago today! Enjoy the last few days/weeks of the pregnancy as much as you can and savor all those kicks and hicups that come even if they are uncomfortable you will miss them! =) Praying for a great delivery and healthy baby girls for you!! You can only imagine the joy that you will have when they place TWO babies in your arms after delivery~ such a special blessing!