Archiving the grace and gifts of God in the lives of Peter, Kristen, Laurel, Alexa, Lindsey, and Wesley.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Our Laurel

Oh, Laurel. She is just so much fun and is getting so grown up! Here are some fun pictures about what Laurel has been up to lately.

She is such a little helper! Usually, she loves helping me with laundry. Once I fold them, Laurel is generally so happy to help put them away--most days. She's really good about putting socks, washcloths, dish towels, dish rags, and a few other items away! Sometimes she'll confuse the the sock drawers, but she mostly gets it right.

Don't get me wrong, Laurel has plenty of days where she would rather make a mess with the laundry, than help. However, I am cherishing these times of doing laundry together that are becoming more frequent.

Oh, the ABC book. Laurel will actually sit still for most of this book, unlike giving you a book to read and letting you only read the first page before she gets up and gives you another one!

(However, if she's looking at books by herself, she'll take longer). At the end of the book, it has all of the letters on one page and we'll point to the letters as we sing the ABC song. Now every time we sing the song, Laurel will run and go get the book and start pointing to the page with the alphabet on it. She thinks that we can't sing the song without that book! It's so funny!

Laurel is just getting so grown-up! 21 months on Thursday!! I can't believe it! Another post coming on that.

Laurel loves waiting for Daddy to call to tell us he's on the way home for the day. If I even mention that Daddy is going to call or that Daddy is coming home, I hear "Dada" about 1,000 times in the sweetest little voice. This girl loves her Daddy! :) Before and after he calls, Laurel will walk around with my phone to her ear and pretend she's talking to Daddy. She'll say "Hi dada" and then babble some and there are a bunch of "dada"s intermingled in her babbling. I love watching her do this! It's so precious! Also anytime the phone rings, she thinks it's "Dada" or anytime I call someone she thinks it's "dada." Most of the time she's right! :)

Another fun Laurel story: So clearly Laurel is in a "eager to put things away"stage. I am loving it! I had just brought the groceries in from the car the other day and I was starting to empty the bags and sort through them. As I was doing this, I saw Laurel grab a box of freezer bags from one of the grocery bags and put it in the right drawer! I was so surprised! I didn't prompt her to do this at all! So of course I praised her over and over for it! I love how she notices everything! It also is a good reminder to be aware that she is picking up on all the things that we do (both good and bad habits), even when we don't think she notices.

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