How far along? 22 weeks!
Total weight gain: I think about 22 pounds
How big are the babies?: As long as Spaghetti squash this week and almost a pound! I go back for my next ultrasound in 2 weeks and they'll measure their growth then.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes.
Stretch marks?: I think what's leftover from Laurel, but bring 'em on if it means we're growing!
Sleep?: Depends on the night. I am constantly switching sides which also means moving my body pillow, which makes it more of an ordeal.
Best moment this week? Getting to see my littlest girls on the ultrasound today and first time getting to see one of our girls in 3D!(Baby A wouldn't let us see her face, so we didn't get to see that sweet girls face!)
Movement?: Starting at about 19 weeks, I have been feeling them a lot during the day! I thought I could tell them apart after I knew their positions at our 20 week ultrasound, but now they're right on top of each other and I have no idea who's moving most of the time!
Food cravings?: Orange juice, blueberries, peaches, cheese, mint chocolate chip ice cream, and york peppermint patties.
Labor signs: Thankfully none yet.
Belly button in or out? In and getting flatter
What I’m looking forward to: Feeling the girls' movements more and our next ultrasound in two weeks.
I have loved getting to see our girls more frequently! At our 20 week ultrasound, they did an anatomy scan on each of them again and it was so great to see how they were developing. The tech kept saying how busy they were! At our ultrasound today, the girls were right on top of each other and moving and kicking all around, so I could barely follow what the ultrasound tech was doing because it just looked like a bunch of baby parts! Baby Girl A wouldn't let us see her face, but we could see Baby Girl B's face and the tech gave us of 3D picture of it! Here is a picture of Baby Girl B's face with Baby A's legs in her face!
22 week appointment update!
So right now, we are having ultrasounds every two weeks to check the fluid levels and growth of the babies. Since the girls share a placenta, the big concern is twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. Looking at each of their levels of amniotic fluid in their sacs is a way of seeing if one baby is getting more from the placenta than the other one. After each ultrasound, one of the high risk doctors comes in to talk to us about the findings and they often look for themselves when they are there.
At our ultrasound today, the doctor told us that Baby A had more fluid than Baby B, although it is not at worrisome level. It may just stabilize at these levels and that will be that. That is what we are praying! We pray that their fluid levels will stabilize and that they will both get what they need from the placenta. At my next ultrasound, they will look at the fluid levels and check their growth,so I will update after that!
Hopefully I'll add a belly pic too!
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